Reopen my Account

Reopen my Account

If you would like to reopen your Stardust Casino account, please send your request to Customer Support at . With your request, please answer two (2) of the following questions:
  1.  Wat is your last deposit amount and/or payment method?
  2. What is your current account balance?
  3.  Date of birth
  4. The last withdraw amount and/or withdrawal method you made.
Once our Customer Support team has received your request, you should receive an emailed update within 24 hours.

If you don't remember the above information, or can only answer one of the questions, you can send your request directly to our Security team at .  In your email, please include your request to reopen your account and a copy of your photo ID. Once received, you should receive an emailed update within 24 hours.

Please do not send any documents to Customer Support or submit them through live chat. 

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